03. Quiz: Select a Feature

Good Features

We've described features as points that are easily compared and tracked among images of the same object or scene. There are many types of features, but before we get into specifics, it's important to think about the qualities that make a good feature. And you already have some intuition about this!

Say I gave you the photo below and asked you to identify one feature that can be compared across several images (made at different angles and times of day) of the same scene, what point would you choose?

To be more specific, I've highlighted patches below, and I want you to select one, based on what you know now, that you think would be a good feature.

(Left) Building with a balcony and windows; (Right) small patches of that building

(Left) Building with a balcony and windows; (Right) small patches of that building

Good Features

Given the above 4 patches, which do you think would make the best feature?